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Allatoona Team Trail - Monday Night Trail


Lots of changes are coming this year. Look at some of the highlights listed below.

  • Allatoona Team Trail is a 100+% payback tournament trail. On top of the tournament entry fees, all of sponsors money, prizes, certificates, cups, etc. are all going to you!

  • All money collected from sponsors will go to the classic.

  • The top 20 boats (bass on weight) will advance to the classic. One wildcard will be drawn at the end of the regulation. To be eligible for the wildcard, the team must be present to fish all tournaments in regulation. Yep, bring your A game this year. Gotta earn the classic berth. 

  • The Team of The Year (highest accumulated weights) will get the big winning cups (claret jugs).

  • The classic winners will also get the big winning cups (claret jugs)

  • There'll be a prize for the biggest bass of the year.

  • There'll be some changes in rules. Please make sure you understand the rules.

  • No entry fee will be accepted after 6:45 pm.

  • The first tournament will be May 4, 2020


Monday Night Trail


Tournament Directors:

Jeff Gravely – 404-621-3177

Daniel Thurman – / 678-232-8052


General Information:


This is a pot tournament for the Summer Trail on Lake Allatoona.  It’ll be on Mondays from 7 PM - 11 PM at Galts Ferry Landing.  See schedules for specific dates and see FAQ for more common questions.  The entry fee is $50 (the director and assistance teams are exempted).

Entry Fee and Breakdown  

  • $50.00 per boat

    • $10 Classic Fund

    • $5 big fish pot for the night

    • $35 pot for the night, 1 in 5 boats pay out. (Plus, gifts, gift certificates, etc.)

    • Expense report will be available upon request.

    • PRE-PAY (pay all entry fees for the year up front) is allowed this year but slots are limited. PRE-PAY allows you to be in the first flight. However, first flight is limited to 25 boats including the sponsors, last year's team of the year, and the PRE-PAY teams. PRE-PAY for all tournaments is $900 plus a $200 first flight privilege fee, equaling $1100. If first flight is full (25) you can still PRE-PAY and guarantee for the next flight. Contact the directors to PRE-PAY.

  • This is a 100+% payback trail.  Besides above funds, there are gifts, gift certificates to give away, and money or gifts from sponsors.  

Blast-Off Procedure

  • All flight will be 25 boats.

  • Green flag will be used to signal blast off

  • Any time a Red flag is displayed (usually due to too many boats leaving in a given flight), we will blast off the rest of the boats one at a time and will check to see who does not leave in assigned flight.  Watch the flag.  If you are not in the right flight, you'll be disqualified.

Summer Classic

  • Will be a night tournament.  See schedules for details.

  • Entry fee for the classic will be $40 per team (for big fish).

  • The top 40% of teams, plus one wildcard will be eligible to fish the classic. Example: Averaging 40 boats per tournament for the year, there would be 16 boats plus 1 wildcard that would advance to the classic. To be eligible for the wildcard, the team must fish all tournaments in regulation. 





  • All competitors are expected to show courtesy and good sportsmanship to all other competitors and non-competitors alike. At no time during tournament hours will fighting, verbal or physical harassment on or off water, or any other act reflecting negatively on the sport of competitive fishing and the Allatoona Team Tournament trail be tolerated. They are ground for immediate disqualification from current and future tournaments. This rule is nonnegotiable and will be enforced diligently

  • You must observe all State boating regulations (such as observing idle zones, especially bridges and marinas).

  • No drugs or alcohol allowed.  Also see state regulations on alcohol and drugs

  • No littering. 


2)       ENTRY: 

  • The tournament is open to all persons to participate in as a team provided they have never been disqualified from any other tournament for refusing a polygraph examination or failing a polygraph examination, whether the results were “inconclusive” or otherwise. 

  • Acceptance of any entry is subject to the approval of the Tournament Director and he reserves the right to take precautionary measures to protect the integrity of the tournament, other anglers, and the resource by denying registrations to any angler wishing to participate. 

  • Each person operating the combustion engine must be 18 years of age.  Any adult choosing a minor as a partner assumes full responsibility for that minor. 

  • All Federal, State and Local laws apply.



  • Carelessness or unsafe operation of any boat will be grounds for disqualification. 

  • Each competitor is required to wear a Coast Guard approved life vest during blast off and returning to weigh-in with kill switch attached to the driver. 

  • Safety equipment adequate to pass Coast Guard inspection must be in the boat at all times. 

  • Each boat must be equipped with an aerated live well adequate to hold a tournament limit of 5 bass. 

  • For everyone’s protection, participants MUST have boater’s liability insurance. 

  • Navigation lights must be on at dusk and stay on.



  • Teams may register in person at the ramp. 

  • Teams will sign-in under the Captain/Partner format. 

  • Registration forms must be filled out completely and signed by both team members; failure to do so will result in loss of awards, 

  • No partial payments will be accepted, and NO REFUNDS will be given unless unfortunate circumstance occur.

  • CASH ONLY will be the accepted form of payment.

  • No entry fee will be accepted after 6:45pm.



  • Only artificial lures may be used-no live or cut baits. 

  • All bass must be caught in a legal, live, conventional manner using a rod and reel. 

  • Each competitor may have only one rod in use at a time. 

  • Trolling, fishing from docks or fishing from shore is not permitted.

  • ANY fish caught while sight fishing MUST BE HOOKED ON THE INSIDE OF THE MOUTH and will be subject to a polygraph test.

  • No use of spotlight/light-source for sight fishing is allowed.



  • The hours of competition will be from 7 PM to 11 PM. 

  • The field will be divided into flights of 25.  The first flight will consist of Platinum sponsors and PRE-PAY teams not to exceed 25.

  • Any team leaving the flight early will be disqualified for that tournament. 

  • Teams checking in late will be disqualified for that one tournament, whether they have any fish to weigh-in.  Disqualification results in the loss of weight of fish and the automatic 1 pound/point. 



  • There's no off-limit. Keep in mind that, as always, anyone is subjected to taking polygraph test at any time at the directors' discretion.

  • Fishing is permitted anywhere on tournament waters except within 25 yards of a non-anchored tournament boat and within 50 yards of another anchored or tied tournament boat with trolling motor out of the water.

  • Other off-limits areas may be announced the evening of the tournaments.   

  • Fishing from docks or shore is not permitted.

  • Anglers shall not leave the boat during the tournament hours except in emergency events (such as heavy nature’s call!).


8)       SCORING: 

  • All fish must be brought to the scale in a bag with adequate water. 

  • Black bass (I.E. Largemouth, spotted, etc.) only will be weighed. 

  • Limit will be 5 bass per boat.  You must cull before you pull the boat out of the water for the weigh-in.  And, based on DNR regulations, there shall not be more than 10 fish per person in the boat at any time.

  • All bass will be measured on a Golden Rule with the mouth closed and fanning the tail. 

  • A penalty of three (3) pounds, loss of the short fish and loss of the biggest fish will be assessed per short fish brought to the scale. 

  • The length limit is 12 inches for ALL species of bass; there will be no courtesy measurements. 

  • Only one dead fish may be weighed-in without penalty.  If you bring 2 dead fish to the scale you are disqualified for the event. (which means you will not get the 1 lbs point for fishing either).

  • All live bass must be released.  Exception can be made for trophy fish (check with the director if you want to keep one).

  • Scoring is kept by adding the poundage from each tournament, plus 1 additional pound for each tournament fished.

  • Substituting a partner is allowed (either boater or partner).  You must let the director knows at sign in where the points should go.



  • Protests may be lodged at two times during the Tournament:  1) Before the actual start of the Tournament or 2) immediately following the weigh-in of the last boat’s catch and before the presentations of awards. 

  • All protests must be lodged in person with the Tournament Director during the specified times. 

  • After the presentation of awards has taken place, the results of the tournament will be considered final. 

  • Any competitor found or heard accusing another competitor of a violation of the rules who has not made a formal protest will be charged with unsportsmanlike conduct and will be disqualified from the that night’s tournament and possibly future tournaments. 

  • All contestants agree that, if requested to do so by the Tournament Director, one or both team members will submit to a polygraph examination or any examination.  Contestants further agree and understand that awards will not be presented until after successfully passing such examination.  Both team members hereby waive and release any and all claims and causes of action of every kind whatsoever.



  • Interpretation of these rules shall be left to the Tournament Director and Staff. 

  • The decision of the Tournament Director shall be FINAL in all matters. 

  • Infractions of any of these rules can result in disqualification.

  • Directors reserve the right to change any or all rules.


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©2023 by Allatoona Team Trail

All rights reserved


Summer Trail

Jeff Gravely 404-621-3177

Daniel Thurman 678-232-8052


Winter Trail

Johnny Dunlap 404-597-3224

Rico Noonan 678-412-2416

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